Open Book Blog Hop – 5th February   1 comment

Stevie Turner

This week we have to write about how we achieve quality character development.

Being a ‘pantster’ I’ve never really thought about this.  I don’t sit down with a notebook and flesh out each character before I write about them.  However, I’ve now come up with a little list for the blog hop regarding how I would develop a new character if I was a ‘plotter’, and have added it below:

  1. First of all you need to mention the character’s name and physical traits – hair and eye colour etc.
  2. What about their personality?  Laid back?  Quick to anger? Compassionate?
  3. What are their likes and dislikes?
  4. Favourite food?
  5. What are their hobbies?
  6. How does this person talk?  Do they have an accent?
  7. Are they educated?
  8. How do they earn a living?
  9. Are they married?  Do they have children?
  10. Is this person a loner or an extrovert?
  11. How do they treat their…

View original post 109 more words

Posted February 5, 2018 by aurorawatcherak in Uncategorized

One response to “Open Book Blog Hop – 5th February

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  1. Thanks for re-blogging!


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