The Best Part   4 comments


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That’s a hard one. Since I write series, I would have said transitions…so beginnings, but especially endings, when I’m setting up the next book. All throughout the book and sometimes in much earlier books, I’m seeding the contents for a later book, but especially at the end of the book, I’m trying to future-see. And that’s a lot of fun because it allows me to be a prophet. Yes, I’m the author but as a discovery writer who at best can plot out large trends rather than details, it’s major work for me.

But I’ve written a couple of standalones and I got say research also turns my crank. I’ve almost always started the book by then–there’s no reason, in my mind, to research for boring characters who will plod through the plot–and I get a charge out of watching an interesting character–like the very complicated Declan of Words I Wish I’d Said–interact with the research I’m uncovering.

So while I like all parts of the book journey at some point (well, except maybe final endings) I am going to say applying research to my characters and seeing it work out in the plot is probably where I get my most satisfaction.

4 responses to “The Best Part

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  1. I love research … except for that part where I go down a rabbit hole and lose track of what I’m supposed to concentrate on!


  2. Research can be fun, I love to be able to justify every item in the future I’ve created. Until it leads down a rabbit hole and lands you with three more new ideas.


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