Archive for June 2024

Double-Minded   2 comments

June 24, 2024


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I’m double-minded on this topic…or maybe triple-minded.

I really love fantasy in film and books and I write in that genre.


I also write apocalyptic fiction and I really don’t like apocalyptic films. Well…not most of them. Mad Max was entertaining in 1979, but unfortunately, it seems like the movie genre got stuck there and hasn’t been able to move on. They change the reason for apocalypse, then write cardboard characters doing predictable things. I keep sampling movies from time to time to see if they’ve gotten better and sometimes they surprise me, but the genre as a whole hasn’t changed much since 1979. In fact, one reason I started writing Transformation Project series was because I wanted to see apocalyptic books (which have a similar problem) that had more substance to them. I became the change I wanted to see.

I also write coming-of-age, family drama and I can’t say I watch much of that in the movies. Some of that is because my ex-husband didn’t care for it, but I’ve tried checking it out now that I control the remote and it’s really not my thing. The books are better than the movies, for the most part.

When movie directors used to destroy the Lord of the Rings books, I figured they’d never get it right, but they finally did and they’re getting better at it, so there is hope for the future. And with outfits like Netflix now able to follow a book as a series, there’s even a better chance that we’ll watch a film version of our favorite book and actually enjoy it.

Posted June 24, 2024 by aurorawatcherak in Blog Hop

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Limiting Advice   4 comments


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3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.

4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.

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I think it was when someone suggested…well, insisted…that I should make a choice. Write a Christian book for a Christian audience or write a secular book for a secular audience. Never the twain shall meet.

Yeah, that’s not how the world exists and I figured I’d follow Francis Schaefer’s advice that Christians should live in and speak/write/paint/compose reality. So my books acknowledge that Christians and nonbelievers both exist and they don’t always agree and that’s okay. Did I lose some readers from either or both camps? Probably. But I still believe I did the right thing.

Posted June 4, 2024 by aurorawatcherak in Uncategorized

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