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Absolutely, I’ve had weird experiences where my books have coincided with reality as expressed in the news.

Transformation Project, my apocalyptic series, was and (kind of) continues to be based on front-page news. At the start of Life As We Knew It, I had Shane aware that there were riots in some part of the United States. In 2014 when I was writing LAWKI, I looked at the news and there were no riots right then, but it was only a few years after the attacks on the Teaparty and after a half-decade of the Obama administration that caused soaring food, fuel and medical insurance costs, constantly ramping up regulation, four additional wars (and two expanded) and a constant attack on the values of the middle class, so I found myself asking “Why aren’t there riots?” Well, there were riots a few months later when Michael Brown assaulted a police officer, who shot him in defense of his own life. I didn’t foresee racial-motivated riots and I still don’t know why we didn’t have riots over food and poliltics until President Trump was elected, but when his haters were setting cars on fire outside of his 2016 inauguration (so before he was even president), I felt vindicated. I’d seen a glimpse of the future and written about it.

Then I tried to shut out Trump’s influence on the country because I’d already destroyed the United States of America and he was nowhere in view. My final president of the United States was supposed to a corrupt man in thrall to corporations and foreign countries….

Wait! Wow, another eerie coincidence that looks maybe a little Biden like…but my President Dodson is dead, so I haven’t really delved into it. Maybe I should.

About the time Trump became president, I was floating the idea of a flu virus with serious post-infection autoimmune consequences. I’d been kicking that around since the swine flu fizzle that happened during the Obama administration — actually before I started writing the series. Way back when The Walking Dead visited the CDC (2010), I had begun to play with a connection to the CDC for any one of my stories.

I’m not psychic so obviously I didn’t foresee Covid, but looking at the world through the media lens, it seemed likely that a virus that had been supercharged by the government would show up eventually and I made the virus have an autoimmune feature because one of my cousins is a neurologist who works with autoimmune patients. It just seemed like a good idea to pursue in writing. But when Covid happened, I did have people emailing me asking me how I knew that was coming. I didn’t. I just future-guessed and, like a lot of famous writers (Ray Bradbury, Aldous Huxley, and George Orwell did it so much better than I have), I got lucky in my fictional spitballing.

Apocalyptic, a form of science fiction, often looks at the present news and asks “what-if?”. It’s where our stories come from. You can get really dark writing this stuff, so I had to “white pill” it a little. I made Shane (and Jazz later on) O-negative blood type just because having a universal donor in the apocalypse seems like a good idea and it humanized “the hero” when he fainted after giving blood, but then I decided he would have a treatment in his blood for the autoimmune consequences of the flu. I was spitballing, which can be really dangerous when you’re dealing with science, but just the other day, I was watching a documentary on YouTube that focused on how O-negative blood has immune-protective characteristics that seems to prevent autoimmune disorders in people with O-negative blood type.

Maybe I learned something about that in my research, but I don’t remember encountering it, so again — sometimes you just get lucky…and now I am doing some research to further that idea…coz, you know, I don’t want to end the series with no hope.

Don’t worry. The series has a couple more books to wind things down and maybe it doesn’t have an end…yet.

Half-Baked   4 comments


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I think every writer probably has a library of half-done stories. I certainly do. They come in various stages.

There’s the stories that are merely notes. I had an idea and I wrote it up, but no characters volunteered to create an actual workable story. All of my stories are character-driven. The plot arises from the stories the characters tell me. If no characters start talking in my head about the idea I wrote down, then there’s no story. Those ideas remain notes in my computer and I’ll revisit them occasionally. They’ve become short stories in anthologies and Words I Wish I’d Said came from notes that a character develops into their life story.

I currently have three works in progress that will probably be published in the next year or two. Currently, I’m working on the next book in Transformation Project series, Republic of Afrika, which will likely publish later this year. My secondary project is the next book in What If Wasn’t series, Empire of Dirt, which might publish in early 2025. My tertiary project is the four book in Daermad Cycle, which is a fat fantasy that has been in progress for a couple of years and might come out next year.

I also have a cache of stories that have characters willing to share thier stories, but are nowhere near ready to be called a novel. They’ve taken second-place behind my active projects. Maybe I’ll publish them after the series finally wind down.

Writing runs on ideas, so every author who publishes likely has a bunch of half-done works that may never see the light of day…or may be their greatest novel yet.

Posted April 22, 2024 by aurorawatcherak in Blog Hop

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The Best Part   4 comments


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That’s a hard one. Since I write series, I would have said transitions…so beginnings, but especially endings, when I’m setting up the next book. All throughout the book and sometimes in much earlier books, I’m seeding the contents for a later book, but especially at the end of the book, I’m trying to future-see. And that’s a lot of fun because it allows me to be a prophet. Yes, I’m the author but as a discovery writer who at best can plot out large trends rather than details, it’s major work for me.

But I’ve written a couple of standalones and I got say research also turns my crank. I’ve almost always started the book by then–there’s no reason, in my mind, to research for boring characters who will plod through the plot–and I get a charge out of watching an interesting character–like the very complicated Declan of Words I Wish I’d Said–interact with the research I’m uncovering.

So while I like all parts of the book journey at some point (well, except maybe final endings) I am going to say applying research to my characters and seeing it work out in the plot is probably where I get my most satisfaction.

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