Production Season   4 comments


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I think ideas flow year-round for me. Anytime I’m not actively engaged in truly engrossing work, my mind will throw off writing ideas. This is especially true in the spring-summer arc of seasons. Alaska is a kind of bipolar state. In the winter, it’s dark and cold. At the nadir of December 21, we have 2 1/2 hours of sunlight, a couple hours on each end of civil twilight, and then its dark more than 12 hours a day. Starting March 21, the days become 12 hours and gradually increase until Summer Solstice on June 21 when they days gradually start to dwindle. But, man, the 23 hours of sunlight is glorious!

For me, that period of the vernal equinox (March 21) signals the start of idea season. I really start to feel it around March 1 as the days get longer and I start to throw out story ideas — either whole stories that are brand-new or fresh ideas for my ongoing series. As spring progresses into summer, I’ll get less writing done because it’s too beautiful not to be outside, but I’ll also just be less focused. It’s an imaginative time of year, not so much a productive time. I might do some editing while I’m on the deck, but I often use this time to read other authors’ books.

The sunlight starts dwindling in June, but you notice it around here in August and September–our rainy season. That’s when my writing production picks up. One reason I often publish a book in September or October is that it’s been lying fallow for most of the summer and I can look at it with fresh eyes in September and do a final edit, then decide if it needs another edit from dispassionate eyes or it can be published.

I spend most of the winter writing. It keeps me from getting SAD in the winter. It takes me out of the house that’s causing cabin fever. It is a less imaginative time–one in which I look at all the notes I made in the summer and start mining my creativity.

So the answer is — I can’t say I have a specific season when my writing flows better, but there are different flavors to my flow depending on the sunlight.

Posted March 18, 2024 by aurorawatcherak in Blog Hop

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4 responses to “Production Season

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  1. I can’t imagine only having 2 and a half hours of sunlight in December – I’d certainly get SAD syndrome! I write more in the winter, as we’re often at our caravan during the summer and out walking or on our bikes.


  2. I’d be out walking the cliffs at midnight, if it were light enough. I love the solitude, it’s a breeding ground of inspiation.


  3. Twenty-three hours of sunlight. Man, I bet my sleep cycle would be all out of whack.


  4. I would like to go to Alaska. Used to live in Hawaii so I got that knock off my list of states to go to. To have 23 hours of daylight. I imagen that can mess up someone sleep schedule.


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