Author Interviews   8 comments

This is a list of the author interviews I’ve published —

Becky Akers

K.A. Angliss

RJ Askew

Joe Attanasio

Patrick Burdine

Scott Butcher

Jane Bwye

CL Chase

Ted Cross

CJ Davis

Thomas Duder

Michael Faris

Dyane Forde  Interview 2014 (Purple Morrow)

Interview 2015  (Wolf’s Bane)

Kristin Gleeson

Dee Harrison

John Holt 

Polly Johnson

Samuel Z. Jones

EM Kaplan

Nicholas Kotar

Margaret Eleanor Leigh

Bill Leviathan

Michael McCormick

Cass McMain

Henry Melton

Ted Minkinow     February 2015 (Bagger & Bones)

November 2014 (The Apostasy)

Khalid Muhammad 

Cat Nicolaou

Angelika Rust

CJ Rutherford

Becky M Saleeby

Paula Shene

Thom Stark

Olga Stefan  

CMT Stibbe

Darius Stransky

Sophie Tallis

Valerie Tate

Scott J. Toney

Ioana Visan   

Sarah Wathan

George Wier

Posted January 19, 2015 by aurorawatcherak

8 responses to “Author Interviews

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  1. This is the list of author interviews I’ve published —

    Becky Akers

    RJ Askew


  2. Pingback: Author Interviews Page | aurorawatcherak

  3. Pingback: Looking for a Great Indie Author? | aurorawatcherak

  4. Can you have an interview with me?


  5. Pingback: Anniversary Applause | aurorawatcherak

  6. Hello! Wondering if you’d be interested in interviewing me…? And if so what is your process? My young adult romance novel is coming out on October 25 and I could use all the promo help I can get 🙂


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