I Just Make Things Up   Leave a comment

Magical World Web

July 29, 2019

What kind of research do you do,
and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

“Writing Fantasy? That’s easy. You just make stuff up.”

That’s a real sentence from a real human.

So there you have it, straight from somebody else’s mouth: I just make stuff up.


Here’s the deal. I could just make stuff up, but I wouldn’t get very far. Fantasy, the good stuff, requires a lot of skill and knowledge. You know, stuff I’m personally still developing and maybe might get kinda good at by the mid to late part of my career. Le sigh. Such is life.

But speaking of real life, I do quite a bit of research. I don’t have a time line for it. I know that before I started writing the Endeavor Series, I spent months researching and doing a lot of messy write ups. Some…

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Posted July 29, 2019 by aurorawatcherak in Uncategorized

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